get help from expert college advisors
No matter where you choose to continue your education after high school, we can help you get there. Our advising packages are all comprehensive and include consultation from through the entire application process, until you receive your acceptance letter. Attend one of our partner colleges and you will also be guaranteed a generous scholarship.
jessica vodvarka
Director of international student services
meet our advisor
Meet Jessica, the College Advising Specialist for US University Pathways. She brings over 8 years of eaxperience in international college advising to her work, along with a master's degree in Global Higher Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Jessica has a passion for creating global partnerships and fostering international exchange experiences for students. She has personally hosted international students at her home in Wisconsin, and loves traveling in her free time.

advising services
Admissions Preparation Session
1 Hour
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the application process
Receive guidance on official document preparation
Receive an overview of the essay-writing process to create a compelling first draft
Explore scholarship opportunities that match the student's profile
3 Hours
Collaborative essay revision to ensure an authentic final submission
Assistance with application-specific questions to enhance the overall application
Guidance on any remaining concerns or uncertainties throughout the international admission process
acceptance review
30 Minutes
Comprehensive admission acceptance overview to ensure a clear understanding of the next steps in the enrollment process.
Scholarship Awards Discussion (if applicable)
Receive personalized guidance on the next steps such as pre-departure orientation, housing arrangements, and any additional requirements to facilitate a smooth transition
Wisconsin College Admission Package
Comprehensive support and guidance throughout the application process leading to admission for colleges and universities located in Wisconsin
US & Canada College Admission Package
Comprehensive support and guidance throughout the application process leading to admission to colleges and universities in the US and Canada
International College Admission Package
Comprehensive support and guidance throughout the application process leading to admission to colleges and universities from outside of the US and Canada